Creams and lubricants for prostate massage

The most popular diseases of the male reproductive system are prostatitis and prostate adenoma. There are many factors contributing to their development and they are present in the life of every man.

As a preventive measure for these diseases and as part of their complex treatment, urologists often prescribe prostate massage.

This procedure helps to improve the functioning of an important male organ, but in order for it to bring maximum benefit, you should choose the right ointment for massaging the prostate with your finger.

Massage products for prostate massage

Prostate massage should only be performed by a qualified professional who will perform it correctly and safely for the patient. In order for the procedure to be less uncomfortable, the use of a massage lubricant is required. It will play a dual role: to soften movements and fight directly with the disease with the help of the healing components that make up its composition. You can buy such funds at any pharmacy, their price is quite affordable, and the action is complex.

! Products for prostate massage should be purchased only on the recommendation of a doctor, because. drugs have different effects on the organs of the reproductive system.

Preparations for this procedure are divided into:

  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • painkillers;
  • warming up.

Most modern drugs have a complex effect, but time-tested drugs usually act more purposefully. They are presented in different dosage forms: creams, ointments, oils, gels.

The procedure can be carried out at home, but subject to certain rules. So, relatives can directly perform massage only after completing a training course. Also for home procedures, you can use tampons that are impregnated with a therapeutic agent and inserted into the anus, special massagers, candles.

Ointments for the treatment of prostatitis

The most popular remedies for the treatment of inflammation, tested by time and thousands of patients, include the following drugs.

Heparin ointment

This tool effectively thins the blood, which is very important for congestive processes in the pelvic area. Along with improved blood flow, the outflow of prostate secretion, lymph, pus also increases, and also reduces the risk of blood clots, which is the prevention of hemorrhoids. An important condition is that the use of heparin is allowed only for non-infectious prostatitis.

The therapeutic effect is provided by the following components of the ointment:

  • heparin sodium: dissolves blood clots and prevents the formation of new ones, stops inflammation, improves microcirculation;
  • nicotinic acid: promotes the expansion of blood vessels and the absorption of the main component;
  • benzocaine : acts as an anesthetic, reducing pain.

The drug has certain contraindications and side effects, so the use of this ointment for prostate massage is allowed only on the recommendation of a doctor. If complications or exacerbation of the disease appear, the remedy is canceled and replaced with a more suitable medicine.

Zinc ointment

Another popular medicine that is convenient and useful for massaging the inflamed prostate gland. The zinc component has a complex effect on the body:

  • promotes the regeneration of mucous membranes;
  • restores the proper functioning of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • increases local immunity;
  • removes inflammatory processes.

Zinc ointment can be used for all forms and stages of prostatitis and for the treatment of prostate adenoma.


An effective remedy that primarily has a warming effect. It can be used only for prostatitis, not complicated by infectious pathologies, occurring in remission.

The basis of the drug is nonivamide , it helps to relieve inflammation, expand blood vessels and improve blood circulation in the pelvis.

Another important property of Finalgon is the reduction of pain, which often disturbs the patient with prostatitis.

Methyluracil ointment

An effective drug, which is also often prescribed by urologists for inflammation of the prostate gland. It has the following properties:

  • increases local immunity;
  • promotes tissue regeneration;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • improves the processes of blood formation.

It is used in acute and chronic prostatitis, but with certain conditions. In the stage of remission, organ massage is shown, and during exacerbation, the use of rectal suppositories and the application of ointment to the anus.

Other popular remedies

As a lubricant for prostate massage in a pharmacy, you can also purchase ichthyol, naftalan or Vishnevsky ointment. These medicinal products are used in the non-infectious form of the disease, if the pathology is in the stage of stable remission. The funds have all the properties that are important in the treatment of prostatitis: stop inflammation, relieve pain, thin the blood and improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

The advantage of such drugs is the availability: you can buy them at any pharmacy, and their cost is lower than many other similar pharmaceutical products. The disadvantage is the unpleasant odor inherent in these ointments, which often makes patients refuse to use them.

Another popular drug is Levomekol ointment . Its advantage is considered to be an antiseptic effect, which allows it to be used in infectious forms of prostatitis.
Gels and creams for the treatment of prostatitis

The advantage of gels is the water base – the light formula of the product allows them to be quickly absorbed without loss of medicinal properties. It is also considered a disadvantage – the gel has to be applied more often.

This disadvantage is compensated by the cream formula: the cream, in terms of the degree of absorption, occupies an intermediate position between the ointment and the gel.

The most popular massage creams and gels are:

  • Traumeel . The basis of the drug are plant extracts: arnica, echinacea, belladonna , St. John’s wort, etc. Like chemical components, they very effectively relieve inflammation, eliminate pain, and increase the regenerative properties of tissues. Also, natural ingredients increase local immunity and have a slight warming effect. At the same time, the agent does not cause irritation of the skin and has only one contraindication – hypersensitivity to the components of the agent.

IMPORTANT!!! In addition to the gel, Traumeel is also available in the form of a cream, which can also be used for prostate massage.

  • Ekado . This gel-balm has a pronounced antiseptic property and is very easy to use: a light gel formula works like a lubricant , i.e. does not lose its lubricating properties during the procedure. The basis of Ekado is camphor – a substance that has positively proven itself in the treatment of many diseases. This gel increases the tone of small blood vessels, dilutes the prostatic secretion, which enhances its outflow and improves the functioning of the gland. If the inflammatory process is complicated by the accumulation of pus, it is also excreted along with the prostate juice in a natural way. Palm oil compensates for the deficiency of useful microelements and acids, which increases local immunity, reduces soreness, inflammation. Shea butter increases the elasticity of the tissues of internal organs;
  • Healthy. The basis of this tool is beeswax and propolis, which have pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Also, these components quickly relieve tissue swelling (remove excess fluid from the body), enhance the ability to regenerate, improve blood circulation in capillaries and small vessels.

IMPORTANT!!! Cream – wax Healthy has an important contraindication: it is forbidden to use it in patients with allergies to bee products.

Oils for prostatitis

If the use of pharmacy products for some reason is not possible, you can use vegetable or essential oil for prostate massage.

The doctor will help you choose it, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s health. Most often, peach, sea buckthorn, pumpkin or mustard oil is used for the procedure, esters are also suitable: eucalyptus, fir, mint. The following oils have proven themselves well:

  • lanolin;
  • rapeseed;
  • castor.

Oils can be mixed with each other, which will enhance the medicinal effect or add other useful components to them. Such a combination will positively affect the health of not only the prostate gland, but also many other internal organs of a man.

Alternative Methods

Massage movements warm up the tissues of the internal organs and improve blood flow, so the healing ingredients are absorbed faster and delivered to the inflamed areas.

But it is strictly forbidden to use such a physiotherapy during an exacerbation of the disease, therefore, at such moments, the treatment is carried out in a different way – they apply funds to the rectal mucosa.

Strengthening such therapy can be done with the help of alternative methods. For example, with the help of Valentina Seimova’s ointment, which is made from beeswax and vegetable oil. With prostatitis, this remedy, using a cotton swab, is administered rectally.

A popular recipe is Velcro, which is made from beeswax, vegetable oil, and melted pine rosin. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions, heated in a steam bath and mixed. Cool and warm applied to the lower abdomen.

The well-known Asterisk balm can also be used as a warming, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. It consists of a complex of esters, which have a positive effect not only on colds, but also on prostatitis.

Although doctors’ reviews of prostate massage are not unambiguous, most urologists are sure that it is quite effective as a preventive procedure. The main thing is to carry it out correctly and only with the medicines prescribed by the doctor. When using folk methods, consultation with a specialist is also required, otherwise self-treatment can result in a number of unpleasant consequences.

event_note May 30, 2022

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