A man can experience an orgasm without ejaculation. In the process, he enjoys it completely, but he does not need a recovery period to continue intercourse. He is immediately able to continue to make love, and the orgasm can be repeated again and again. A special technique leads a man to multi-orgasm, and everyone can master it.
Injaculation or delayed sperm
During excitation, seminal fluid accumulates in the prostate, it greatly increases the gland and this secretion is injected through the urethra. You can survive an orgasm without secreting sperm . As a result, she will remain in anticipation of the gland, and the orgasm can be initiated again. The technology of “sperm retention” was invented in the East. In many religions, it was believed that ejaculation is a loss of energy, it should be avoided by any means. And in order to realize this, men studied orgasm without excreta. Doctors today do not have a single point of view – is this phenomenon useful or not. It is rare, you can master it, but many do not seek. And therefore, some doctors argue that delay is useful, others that are harmful and lead to stagnation.
How to learn to cum without sperm
During orgasm, the prostate gland contracts. Usually these are 4-7 obvious movements giving pleasant experiences. The stronger the pelvic floor muscles, the brighter the sensations. But if you do not let the sperm flow out, there will be more contractions, the orgasm will last longer . The delay is carried out by clicking on the point in the perineum, the Taoists call it “yang-mo.” This is the area between the anus and the scrotum. Thus, the release of sperm into the urethra is blocked, the fluid returns back. Each “yang-mo” point is located individually, you need to look for it yourself. If you press too close to the scrotum, the semen will be redirected to the bladder. If at the anus, delay will not occur. It will take several experiments to find your point. Pressure must be carried out with three fingers. It should not be too intense, no need to wait for pain. But also not quite easy so that the seed does not leak out. The first time it is better to do this during masturbation, finding the desired area and determining the strength of the impact. Then you can teach the movement a partner.
What happens if sperm enters urine?
If the pressing is not carried out correctly, sperm is redirected to the bladder. This is not scary, does not pose a threat to life. During normal ejaculation, part of the seminal fluid always enters the urine, which is normal.
A sign of redirection will be a cloudy color of urine. Due to sperm, it loses its transparency. And if this happens, you need to carefully look for the point “yang-mo.”
How often can injection be practiced?
There are no clear statistics claiming whether it is harmful or useful. Therefore, there are no tips. Someone uses this method only partially, ends in this way several times during sex, but during the final chord it still allows sperm to pour out.
Other men alternate sexual intercourse with and without ejaculation. This helps prevent fluid congestion in the pelvis.
This method is ideal if you want to impress a woman , impress her with the duration of sexual intercourse. In the process, you can enjoy, but never lose an erection.
Can everyone master injection?
Cum without sperm can rare men. Although the technology is simple, you need to learn how to implement it. Three skills are required:
- Determine the exact time of pressing. This is a few moments to the finish line, and here you can not be late for a second.
- Find the right area for pressure. The point is located in a fairly vast area, to feel, it will take several dozen experiments.
- Determine the strength of the impact. Patience is needed to practice in a new way each time, determining the best option.
And all this together will not work if the muscles of the pelvic floor are weak. Therefore, you will also need to train your muscles to make it all work out.
It is believed that no more than 5% of men are familiar with injection and are able to use it. Most just do not try to learn this.
The experience of an orgasm without ejaculation is very interesting. Pleasant sensations last longer (up to 5 minutes), there is no recovery period, you can continue to make love. But learning the technique takes some time.