6 criteria to help you choose a passionate partner

How do you choose a passionate partner? Pay attention to the buttocks and the length of the legs. The height and length of the legs are directly related to the concentration of testosterone in the blood and the activity of sexual behavior.

We will also analyze the main signs by which you can determine whether a partner is passionate, and moments in communication that deserve close attention.

Sexual constitution

The partner’s passion and sensuality is interconnected with the trochanteric index that determines the sexual constitution – the ratio of leg length to height. The average value is in the range of 1.88-2.05 for women and 1.85-2.00 for men. The larger the trochanteric index (shorter legs), the higher the likelihood that a potential partner is sexually strong.  


The trochanteric index and the length of the legs are directly related to the influence of sex hormones. During puberty, testosterone is synthesized, under the influence of which the cartilage of the tubular bones is replaced by bone tissue, which leads to a slowdown in growth.

Low growth suggests indirectly about the activity of sex hormones, high sexual potential of the partner. However, the degree of attraction is not tied only to the concentration of testosterone; predisposition to a partner, personal sympathy, and character traits play a role.

Common features of communication

People who have a strong sense of passion, as a rule, show it in communication with the object of desire. They have an open interest in the body, pay attention to the movements of the hands, eyes, body.

There is a dominance of flirting and seduction over “heart-to-heart talk”, pathological pronounced jealousy, a tendency to focus on internal fantasies, fun pastime and sexual relations. Physically, the condition is manifested by slight tremors of the hands, dilated pupils, active movements and a rapid heartbeat.

Signs of passionate non-verbal communication

You can find out how much a person experiences passion through non-verbal communication – body language. The person in love often approaches, tries to touch, maximizes overall bodily contact. There is some copying of facial expressions, gestures, active gestures.

Hobbies, art, work

It is necessary to pay attention to the person’s hobbies and the degree of return to them.

Such a partner is distinguished by a desire to develop in any business, to act on the verge of physical and mental capabilities for personal growth.

A passionate nature constantly gives rise to new ideas, embodies ideas.

Zodiac sign

The five most passionate representatives of the horoscope include Aries, Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aquarius. People born under these signs are distinguished by volcanic passion, desire for diversity, jealousy, easily immersed in emotions, love sex.

event_note December 8, 2021

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